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Funding Your Studies

Studying abroad is rewarding but expensive. So it is important to make sure you are able to fund your studies before making a commitment. This section provides guidance to help you explore the options for funding your studies.

Self-Funded Students

Most self-funded students raise funds either from their own savings, or with the help of parents or other family members. A bank loan is also an option and in some countries you will be able to get an education loan under preferential terms.

Depending on the course you choose, your student visa may allow you to work during your studies to supplement your income. However, your student visa will not allow you to remain in the UK to work after completing your course.

Government Sponsorship

In some countries, particularly the Middle East, Governments provide generous scholarships that enable their citizens to study abroad. Often these scholarships have strict conditions. To qualify for a scholarship, you will need good academic qualifications and you may be restricted to certain subjects at specified overseas universities.

To find out if study abroad scholarships are available, please contact the Ministry of Education (or equivalent) in your country.


A number of scholarships exist for international students who want to study abroad. We recommend this Google search link for students who need to research scholarship opportunities.

IMPORTANT: Scholarships are highly competitive and it is very difficult to secure a full scholarship, even for students with excellent academic credentials. For that reason, we cannot provide our free services to students who are unable to finance their studies privately or through a recognised government scholarship. Before considering your application, your advisor may request evidence to prove you have the means to fund your studies.

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